For accepting any possible claims, BE Fresh Produce has a strict protocol.

Submit your claim in time

All possible claims need to be reported within 24-hours after arrival at the airport of destination. The only exception is for non-working days, in that case the claims need to be reported within 48-hours after arrival at the airport.

Send your claim to your BE Fresh contactperson

It is important to provide the sales representative of BE Fresh Produce with fully detailed information about the possible claim. The following information about the possible claim need to be reported within 24 hours or 48 hours (non-working days) after arrival.

Be conscious, don't waste fruits and vegetables

When quality issues occurs, regardless of the factor having caused the damage, the customer always tries to sort out and clean the produce as best as possible, so damage can be limited as much as possible.

Different situations

Below you will find different claim situations. Each claim requires a different procedure to be followed. Click on the link that applies to your situation.

Situation A

Shipment is delayed for more than 24 hours and the expected damage is less than €/$ 400.


Situation B

Shipment is delayed for more than 24 hours and damage is between €/$400 and €/$1.000.


Situation C

Shipment is delayed for more than 24 hours and expected damage is greater than €/$1.000.


Situation D

Shipment has arrived with less than 24 hours delay, but there is temperature damage.


Situation E

Shipment has arrived with visible physical damage.
